If your considering purchasing Asphalt Sealing Equipment and have been looking for some time, you have probably realized that there are several companies, price ranges, equipment styles and features that you might want to be aware of before you make your final decision.
There are many reputable Asphalt Sealing Equipment Manufactures that manufacture what we consider to be very high quality products, and we are proud to be associated with many of them.
You may get overwhelmed if your just starting your company and trying to choose equipment simply because of the different options and features, not to mention the various jargon of terms that different manufactures use.
Don't be afraid to ask questions of the salesperson and if they don't treat you with respect or just brush you off because they have a "Bigger Fish" to sell to, your at the wrong company.
There are many great company's that have sales people who work with the "Beginner" and will walk you through the process of picking out your Asphalt Sealing Equipment. We pride ourselves on being one of those companies and we do what we can to help you make an informed buying decision.
The first question we ask is "what can you afford"? Have you allocated the funds to make this capital purchase?
We offer our customers Financing and Leasing which allows you to pay for the equipment over time while maintaining your cash flow. This is a good option if you want to get started quick, but don't have the initial capitol to get off the ground. If you aren't good with money though, you're better of figuring out a way to come up with the cash though. While we offer financing options as a convenience, we don't advocate anyone going into debt if they don't have to.
Once we have an idea of the scope of the business you intend to build whether it's part time or full time, established or start-up, we will then offer a solution that best fits your needs based on this information.
If your just going to use your asphalt sealing equipment part time, you probably do not need to spend more than $4,000 to get started. This would be assuming you are going to perform minor asphalt repair, crackfilling, sealcoating and striping.
A part time person would probably want to start out with the absolute basics such as:
- BIG A 275 Gallon Tote Spray System
- 4 Gallon Crack Bander
- RedMax 5150 Backpack blower
- Titan PowrLiner 550
On the other hand, if your plans are to be a full-time pavement professional, then you probably will want to spend a little more for your equipment because hopefully, you will be using it a lot more.
In this situation you may spend between $4,000 and $15,000 depending on the sealing system you decide on.
If you plan to make this a full time business, you really need the following Asphalt Sealing Equipment to do the job properly:
- Crack Cleaning Tools,wire wheel or heat lance
- Pot Hole Compaction Tools, tamper or asphalt compactor
- Crackfill Melting Kettle, stationary or push style
- Assorted Brooms Squeegee's and Shovels
- Pavement Blower
- Sealcoat Spray System
- Pavement Striper
Many of our first time buyers come back and add to their equipment inventory and then up-grade their equipment within the first year in business. They almost always start off with basic equipment and as they begin to create income from their business, they up-grade to our professional asphalt sealing equipment line.
This line includes:
One of our customers started his company with just him, doing all the work himself several years ago. He now has 350 employees and is the biggest asphalt and paving contractor in the State!
We realize that this may not be your desire, but the point here is that it all starts with the right information and the right company backing you up and helping you choose the right asphalt sealing equipment from the beginning.
Don't be afraid to ask us what you think may be a stupid question, this is how you will gain the knowledge you need to make a good decision. You might even find what you're looking for in our Getting Started section
Asphalt Sealcoating Direct is committed to helping all of our customers achieve success through developing relationships and delivering high quality equipment at a fair price and backing it up with prompt service!