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Ripoff Reports, Complaints and Scams


Any business that has been around for longer than a few years, runs into the age old problem of not being able to fully satisfy a customer, no matter how hard they try. With the simplicity of the internet, it’s easier than ever to create a “Ripoff Report” or post a complaint about how badly a company treated the customer. For Asphalt Sealcoating Direct, we strive to make every customer happy and firmly believe that a happy customer is more likely to tell a friend and return their business compared to a company that is just out to make money. We’re here for the long haul and hope to make all of our customers, including you, feel at home when you’re shopping on Asphalt Sealcoating Direct. If you are an unsatisfied customer, PLEASE Contact Us immediately so we can resolve your issue!

There are two things you need to be aware of when it comes to these types of complaint websites. They are designed to make a lot of money at the expense of good businesses and many of the negative posts, might in fact be false!

Ripoff Report and Complaint Websites Make Money

We realize that this doesn’t really pertain to “why you should care”, but we want to take a minute to explain how the ripoff report and complaint websites work so you have a better understanding of how those sites are great for the consumer, but a complete scam for any upstanding business that has a complaint filed against them. We hope that you will take the time to resolve any issue with ANY business before taking the last step and drastic measures of posting a negative review on one of these sites.

Many of the “so-and-so business is a ripoff” and “so-and-so business is a scam” websites allow consumers to post their bad experience of a company for free. While this is a great thing for you as the consumer to warn people against the truly nasty companies out there, this turns out to be nothing more than a “get rich” scheme for the ripoff and business complaint websites because they abuse upstanding businesses like Asphalt Sealcoating Direct, who are honest and dedicated to working with any unsatisfied customers.

How can a ripoff report or business complaint website get rich off honest businesses?

Well, it starts with someone posting a bad review on those websites. Again, we aren’t telling you not to post complaints, we’re just trying to paint the picture that you are helping someone else get rich at the expense of good companies. When a complaint is posted, the business owner has the ability to dispute the claim against them by sharing their side of the story. In some cases, this shows the unhappy customer that the business does want to resolve their issue and the two connect to make it right. This is great for the customer! But still bad for the business because they can’t remove the negative post... for free... The ONLY way to get rid of a negative post for good and remove any tarnishes to their name, is to pay money to the ripoff and complaint website. We aren’t talking a simple $25 fee per post, we’re talking BIG money. Those websites want an average of $5,000 to $10,000 just to remove negative posts from their site. While this seems like a great “Stick it to the bad company” idea, keep in mind that the good companies out there have to play by the same rules and they are stuck with either disputing the negative post or spending a lot of money to get it removed, for something that could have been resolved through a few phone calls. What it boils down to is that the ripoff report and business complaint websites are essentially designed to blackmail any company that has a negative review against them.

Dishonest Competitors Give False Negative Reviews

The next thing we would like to point out is that ANYONE can post on these sites, including dishonest competitors. Since there isn’t any kind of verification that the person posting “is who they say they are”, any competitor has the ability to post a negative comment to the ripoff websites, just to tear down the competition and make people think twice about buying. This goes without saying: “Take everything you read on the internet, with a grain of salt”.

We know first hand that competitors are capable of this because we had a similar negative report posted on one of the ripoff sites. We know it was a disgruntled competitor because the false post was created in 2012 and directed at an individual within the company who hasn’t been in front of customer sales since the end of 2008... It really took them four years to file a complaint? (We disputed the issue and haven’t heard back from the “customer) Our point is that you have to be careful of the negative reviews you read on the ripoff complaint websites. While some of them are probably written by unhappy customers and totally valid, there are going to be reviews written by dishonest competitors.


Our hopes in this article are to make you as the customer, a better informed individual about the workings of the ripoff report and business complaint websites and how some people have no conscience when exploiting honest businesses for financial gain or creating false reputations.